The night before Nationals – A short poem mash-up

Twas the night before Nationals, when all through Gateshead Not a Saltwellian was sleeping, just resting in bed.
The bags were packed, with love and with care Spikes, vests and jelly babies were found in there.
The excitement was building and just like a child I wished for good weather, not wet and not wild
A fun journey was had, we got down in time All talking about that first hill and oh what a climb
A great day was had, by one and by all We warmed up our voices and HOOOPSS!! was the call
On through the mud, the sludge and the hills We all done fantastic, especially the Phil’s
A great team spirit and oh what a team and anyone who was there, will know what I mean
Handshakes and hugs and congratulations said then onto the night-time, to get drunk off our head
A long journey home, after we all done so well I blame the london beer for the terible smell
‘Sorry team’ was said more often than not each time a little gas, escaped from my bot
I couldn’t be happier, my smile was like a beam to be a Saltwellian, God I love my team
So bring on the next one, we’ll all do good because we’re the hoops and we really love the mud
Phil Robertson