Winter Running

Top tips for staying fit this winter

Winter can be a real challenge to some runners. Fewer daylight hours means more running in the dark for many, which can sap motivation and be particularly difficult for female runners running alone. Icy roads and snow can pose a safety risk too, especially if you are wearing incorrect footwear for the conditions. The treadmill is an option if you happen to be a member of a local gym, but it can be monotonous, especially when you find you are doing your regular weekly sessions on the mill. And let’s face it some runners actually dislike running in winter.


Barry’s XC debut at Lambton

As I sat in my car queuing to get into the Lambton Estate, I began mentally preparing for my first Cross Country event since the 1998 Durham Counties U15s boys event. I arrived at the decision not to employ the same tactics I did back then, resulting in me walking half the way round the […]

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Rob’s tale of fighting the Dragon

Saltwell’s Rob Brooks tell his story of the epic Dragon’s Back Race So I didn’t complete the Dragon’s Back Race this year. My main concern going into the race was my knee as I’ve been suffering from tendonitis which has curtailed my training, I barely ran for the four weeks preceding the race although I […]


How to get a 10k PB

By Dave Hewer “I remember the days when running a sub-40 10k meant nothing!” These were the uplifting words from a long-standing member of Saltwell as we trotted along to the Angel on a dark Thursday evening. Not so encouraging for me, who considered himself a reasonably good runner but had never got near 40 […]


Back to Training

The committee and coaching staff have been working hard to make sure our return to training on Tuesday 30 March 2021 will be as safe and smooth as possible. Aa always, Saltwell will be adhering to UKA/Govt guidelines.  Groups will be a maximum of twelve to each coach.  All members need to have completed a […]


Training cancelled until further notice

We hope everyone has had a peaceful and safe Christmas and New Year. Unfortunately, as we are now in tier 4, we are not allowed to formally train so there will be no coached sessions until you hear otherwise. As most of you will be aware current guidelines state you can still meet one other […]


Return to Training

The committee and coaches have been working hard to re-start our training sessions – keeping within Government and UKA guidelines. As you can imagine there have been several hoops we, as a club, and you as members, have had to jump through. And with all that in mind we feel comfortable and able to bring […]


Ten great running routes around Gateshead

Sick of the same old running routes around Gateshead? Then check out ten of the best, all contributed by Saltwell Harriers. They offer a variety of challenge from pancake-flat (‘Count the Bridges’) to the highest point in Gateshead (‘Up and Down 10k’). If you’re new to running, these routes are a great place to start, […]


Lockdown Welfare

Good evening. Just to say that if you’re struggling and need someone to talk to, don’t forget your team of welfare officers are here to support you. You can contact us via the main Saltwell email address and just put whoever you want to talk to in the subject line. Or most of us are […]