I went into this race not knowing what to expect other than hills and for it to be hard. I certainly wasnt disappointed! The night before had been wind and snow so i wasnt exactly convinced that we were going to get good weather. However….on arriving in Guisborough all seemed strangely calm and there […]
NEXC 2015 mens race report
I didn’t do this race last year as I didn’t think I was good enough. So I decided to go and cheer on my fellow hoops but as I was standing in a cold field I got extremely jealous of the runners, so this year I was going to do it. The race day […]
Byron Bay Lighthouse Run Oct 18th 2015
When me and my boyfriend decided to book a holiday to Australia for 3 weeks I couldn’t bear the thought of not training for that long so I decided to look for races that were being held whilst we were there. There was a 10K being held in Byron Bay on the weekend we were […]
Saltwell 10k Road Race
Results The Saltwell 10k Road Race is now full and no entries will be taken on the day. Please note that all runners need to collect their number from race registration. No numbers will be posted. List of registered runners as of 14th December More information about the race including […]
North Eastern XC Champs 2015
I deliberately avoided all things XC last year due to my dislike of mud, the cold and awful memories from my school days when I’d do anything to get out of it (fake notes you name it). This year however I felt like I’d be missing out on all the stories and the laughs so […]
Harrier League – Druridge Bay Saturday 28th November
Thanks to runners and spectators who turned out for a great day on Saturday at Aykley Heads. A special mention to those running for the first time – Laura Gledhill (promoted to the medium pack after an amazing first run!) and Andy Smith and Graeme Smith who also had great races. Hopefully you’ve got the […]
Brampton 2 Carlisle Race Report
After thinking of what run to select for the captains race I thought of something that wouldn’t be too long, that nearly everyone could complete and would be a good gauge of how their years training has gone so I chose the Brampton – Carlisle 10 miler. I hoped we might have more than […]
Aykley Heads XC
Saturday 21st of November – Harrier League Fixture, Aykley Heads Hi all – this Saturday sees the return of the Harrier League at Aykley Heads in Durham. It’s a great course and with the recent wild weather we’ve been having, it’s odds-on to be muddy! Instructions from the Harrier League website – “The course […]
Gateshead Council Consultation
Gateshead Council are seeking the views of the public on their use of the leisure facilities in Gateshead. A quick online survey can be completed at http://www.gateshead.gov.uk/Council%20and%20Democracy/consultation/UseOfLeisureCentresConsultation.aspx – this closes on the 30th of November. It would be great to add our voices to the council debate about the importance of leisure facilities to our communities.
Ronnie in the Chronicle
Great to see Ronnie getting some column inches in the Chronicle – you can read the full article here You can also see his interview which was shown at the presentation evening here